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Version: 3.x.x

Dependency Injection

With the Get module you can easy inject your dependencies as a singleton, lazy singleton or as a factory.


import 'package:flutter_meedu/meedu.dart';
// inject the dependency as a singleton
Get.i.put<AuthRepository>(new AuthRepositoryImpl());
// whenever part of your code you can get the dependency
// remove the dependency
// use a lazy put to inject the dependency as a singleton
// but it only will be created until Get.i.find<AuthRepository>() is called
Get.i.lazyPut<AuthRepository>(()=>new AuthRepositoryImpl());


If you want to get a new instance every time you call find in that case you could use factoryPut

class AuthRepository {
final String apiHost;
Person([this.apiHost = '']);
// register a factory
Get.i.factoryPut<AuthRepository, void>((_) => AuthRepository());
// get a new instance of AuthRepository
final repository = Get.i.factoryFind<AuthRepository, void>();

If you want pass an initial value to AuthRepository

Get.i.factoryPut<AuthRepository, String>(
(String? arguments) => AuthRepository(arguments ?? ""),
// get a new instance of AuthRepository with a initial value
final testRepo = Get.i.factoryFind<AuthRepository, String>(arguments:"");
final liveRepo = Get.i.factoryFind<AuthRepository, String>(arguments:"");


To avoid conflics with dependencies injected in the Get module you can clear the dependencies using a setUp or a tearDown before or after each test.

Get.i.clear(); // remove all dependencies
Last updated on by Darwin Morocho