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Version: 6.2.3


How it works?#

You have 2 ways to manage the state of your widgets or pages:

  • Using a SimpleNotifier similiar to ChangeNotifier for a simple state.
  • Using a StateNotifier for complex states.

If you are using visual studio code you can use this extension for a fast development with flutter_meedu


Also for linux and macOs (not tested on Windows yet, you can try it if you wish) users you can use meedu_cli to create flutter projects using flutter_meedu, define a clean architecture and create your pages.

Auto dispose feature#

The life cycle of a SimpleNotifier or a StateNotifier by default is attached to one Route. It means that our notifiers will be disposed when the route who created the SimpleNotifier or a StateNotifier is popped.

First flutter_meedu needs to listen the changes in your route navigator. This is very simple in your main.dart file add the next code

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_meedu/router.dart' as router;
void main() {
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
// This widget is the root of your application.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: YourHomePage(),
navigatorObservers: [,// <-- this allows to flutter_meedu listen the changes in your navigator
Nested navigation

If you are working with nested navigation in your app to enable the auto dispose feature you must add the meedu observer ( inside the navigatorObservers your Navigators. allways create and return a new observer.

With Navigator 2.0

If you are using navigator 2.0 or any package to navigate using navigator 2.0 to enable the auto dispose feature you must add the meedu observer ( inside the navigatorObservers of your delegate or your Navigator widget.

Last updated on by Darwin