flutter_meedu uses navigator 1.0 in its router module and there is not planned add navigator 2.0 as a new router module because there is not an easy way to create a router package with navigator 2.0 that fits all posible navigation flows that a developer might want to create.
In that case you can use any other package on to manage your navigation with navigation 2.0 and use flutter_meedu to manage your state without any problem just be sure to add the flutter_meedu observer in your navigatorObservers
To navigate between page without a BuildContext you can use the meedu's router module.
In your MaterialApp
Now you can navigate without BuildContext
If you want get your arguments
onGenerateRouteIf you want to use the onGenerateRoute
parameter of your MaterialApp or CupertinoApp you must define the key
Named routes with custom transitionsIf you want to override the default transition when use named routes
you need to define the key
parameter of your MaterialApp or CupertinoApp
Posible transitions
TestingFor widget testing you will need to dispose the NavigatorState created by router.navigatorKey
before or after each test