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Version: 9.1.1

Persistent state

Since flutter_meedu:^6.2.3 the StateNotifier class allows you to keep the state of your Notifiers even if the app was killed (very useful when you want to add OFFLINE support to your apps).

For this just use the PersistentStateMixin mixin and the PersistentStateStorage class then you must override the all properties and methods necessary to persist the state of your StateNotifier.

Considere the next example you want to build a city picker page and every time that you show that page you have to make an API request to get a list of cities. So, why don't you cache the cities and the next time that you show the city picker you will be using a cached list of cities instead of making a new API request?

Example using Hive as database#

The next class will be used for you state

class CityPickerState extends Equatable {
final bool loading;
final List<City> cities;
const CityPickerState({
required this.loading,
required this.cities,
static CityPickerState get initialState => CityPickerState(
loading: true,
cities: [],
CityPickerState copyWith({
bool? loading,
List<City>? cities,
}) {
return CityPickerState(
loading: loading ?? this.loading,
cities: cities ?? this.cities,
factory CityPickerState.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return CityPickerState(
loading: json['loading'],
cities: (json['cities'] as List)
(e) => City.fromJson(e),
/// conver this instance to one JSON map
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
'loading': loading,
'cities': cities
(e) => e.toJson(),
List<Object?> get props => [
class City extends Equatable {
final int id;
final String name;
const City({
/// convert this instance to one JSON map
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
'id': id,
'name': name,
/// return one instance of City from a JSON map
factory City.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return City(
id: json['id'],
name: json['name'],
List<Object?> get props => [

Next you have to create your storage

import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter_meedu/meedu.dart';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
class MyPersistentStorage implements PersistentStateStorage {
final Box _box = Get.find();
/// delete one specific state
Future<void> delete(String key) {
return _box.delete(key);
/// delete all states in your storage
Future<void> deleteAll() {
return _box.clear();
/// check an state with the provided key exists in the
/// storage and return it as a JSON map
Map<String,dynamic>? get(String key) {
final dataAsString = _box.get(key);
if (dataAsString != null) {
return jsonDecode(dataAsString);
return null;
Future<void> save(String key, Map<String,dynamic> json) {
return _box.put(

Note that in the above code we use jsonEncode to store the json state as a string to avoid to define custom TypeAdapters for Hive. Also we use jsonDecode to convert the json string to a Map.

You are free to use any other Database.

Now in your main inject a Hive box as a dependency.

void main() async {
await injectDependencies();
runApp(const MyApp());
Future<void> injectDependencies() async {
await Hive.initFlutter();
// box that will be used to store your states
final box = await Hive.openBox('states');

Now we must create the StateNotifier and use the PersistentStateMixin mixin.

class CityPickerController extends StateNotifier<CityPickerState> with PersistentStateMixin {
CityPickerController() : super(CityPickerState.initialState);
Future<void> loadCities() async {
/// if you don't have a cached state
if (state.cities.isEmpty) {
final cities = await getCitiesFromYourAPI();
state = state.copyWith(
loading: false,
cities: cities,
CityPickerState? fromJson(Map<String,dynamic> json) {
return CityPickerState.fromJson(json);
String get storageKey => 'my_unique_id';
PersistentStateStorage get storage => MyPersistentStorage(); // <--YOUR STORAGE
Map<String,dynamic>? toJson(CityPickerState state) {
if (state.cities.isNotEmpty) {
return state.toJson();
return null;

In the above code the PersistentStateMixin mixin forces you to override:

  • storageKey : an unique string used to idenfier your state in the storage.
  • storage: one instance of a class that implements MyPersistentStorage and all logic to save and read your state.
  • toJson: a method to parse your current state as a json and save it in the storage. This method will be called every time that the state of your Notifier changes. If toJson returns null when the current state saved in your storage won't be modified.
  • fromJson: This method is called only once when the PersistentStateMixin is detecting that your are trying to get your current state for the first time then is the moment to check if a previous state was saved in the storage, next the fromJson method will be used to parse the json saved in your storage into one instance of your State.

You can override the onPersistentStateError method to listen when a state couldn't be saved or it couldn't be parsed.


You can check a complete example using freezed unions here

Last updated on by Darwin