Version: 9.1.1
Reactive programming
The next example create on instance of Rx
to save int values, every time that _counter.value++
is called
the RxBuilder
rebuilds the Text widget.
You can create observables for String, int, double or booleans using the .obs
final _counter = 0.obs; // equals to final Rx<int> _counter = Rx(0);
final _enabled = false.obs; // equals to final Rx<bool> _enabled = Rx(false);
final _query = "".obs; // equals to final Rx<String> _query = Rx("");
final _price = 9.99.obs; // equals to final Rx<double> _price = Rx(9.99);
Working with List and Map.#
Rx ReactionsYou can use the Rx class to use some utils methods like debounce, once, ever and interval.